
Infinity Pattern 1

July 2021


Future Systems Building
Birmingham, UK

The iconic Selfridges building at Bullring is set for major renovation work beginning in Autumn 2020 with completion expected ahead of the Commonwealth Games in 2022. During this time, the building will be covered in a striking installation created by Birmingham-born artist Osman Yousefzada. This is Osman’s first piece of public art, which he has titled Infinity Pattern 1. The distinctive art work is part of a series of experimentations of tessellated patterns that are reminiscent of the perennial architectural qualities in his work, and also suggest a space without borders of symbolic bridges – connecting continuously shifting cultures and dream worlds.

Osman Yousefzada’s new commission was carried out in collaboration with Ikon, as part of an ongoing creative relationship between the gallery, the artist and Selfridges. Previous presentations have included Osman’s first solo exhibition, Being Somewhere Else (2018) and the artist’s annual Procession through the city centre, from Selfridges to Ikon, as part of the gallery’s Migrant Festival (2018-).

“We are delighted to forge a creative partnership with Osman and Selfridges. It is a privilege for us to support Osman, born and raised in Birmingham, as he extends his artistic practice into the public realm, and this city’s Selfridges building absolutely has the right kind of iconic status to match his ambition.” – Jonathan Watkins – Director of Ikon Gallery

Infinity Pattern 1